Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Palmetto Bug: 1, Cats: 0


found scuttling menacingly around our kitchen last night. One of our cats, the fearless Brian Boru, sits watching it with an intensity that can only be seen when a cat stalks a bug. I, en route to making us a snack, drop everything and shriek. Ed comes running. Approximately half an hour ensues of Beth and Ed chasing the bug from one side of the room to the other, both cats (Moon has since entered the kitchen to see what all the fuss is about) batting at it, then backing away in fright when it comes near them, Ed kicking it back toward them in the hope that their hunting instincts will take over and they will rid us of the beast. No such luck. Finally, Ed, in one of his most impressive Deep South moments yet (second only to his making the untamed mess outside our door passable as a lawn), scoops up the bug with a large spoon and tosses it outside. We slam the door and return to our evening, but not without first admonishing the cats for their pathetic yellow-bellied cowardice. Here's hoping we never have rats...


Korean Celt said...

Flying cockroaches. Those things are disgusting. You're just lucky that thing didn't take flight while you were chasing it. The flapping sound is enough to give you nightmares for the rest of your life.

Beth said...

The bastard jumped. That was enough for me...

Lily Hoang said...

Ah if only your inferior cats had the superior instincts of my cats...

If only...

Beth said...

I think it must be the superior training your cats have received.

Anonymous said...

Palmetto bugs in Florida 2001-2003: at least 25, Maggie: 0

I think I sprayed almost an entire can of Raid on the first one I saw, and it just flipped over and started having little cockroach seizures but refused to die.

Beth said...

The bugs down here are prehistoric, I think. And they mate all the time.